Friday, May 8, 2009

What is on TV when it is 4 AM and you can not sleep

4:18 Reno 911 is on channel 11 at 4 am? what a great timeslot!
4:20 (lol Weed) Hey Roseanne is on will those two crazy kid's Jackie and Fred work it out? Spoiler no!
4:23 NBA Playoffs Lakers vs The Rockets game 3. I'm guessing this is taped because NBA games rarely take place at 4:24 AM
4:25 VH1 top 20 video countdown? VH1 is showing music now? I though Vh1 was about reality shows and spinoffs of said shows and spinoffs of said shows that are spinoffs. Also who the hell is Carolina Liar?
4:28 Sesame Street on PBSkids. Becuase sometimes when it is 4:28 you just want to watch Sesame Street. Fuck I hate that bear dude Telly should fuck him up
4:31 VH1classic Whitesnake

4:33 HBOW Bad Boys You know out of the two stars in this movie I think Will Smith has made better carrier choices.

1 comment:

  1. Fuck yeah brah,even with 500 channels after 2am there seems to be nothing on but Fresh Prince reruns and infomericals about making my penis bigger.

    I have no need for either.
