Ah Topps Comics,yes famous makers of all kinds of sports and non-sports cards actually tried their hands at publishing comics back in the early to late 90's.Most of their stuff was movie or TV adaptations,but one of the few original lines they put out was the so called "Kirbyverse". These are some of the last ideas put to paper by the late Jack Kirby. Bombast is my favorite of this line. He is a superhero with one of the lamest powers ever. He has super throwing power,which means he can throw anything really fast,really long and really accurate. And besides having a lamer power than Cypher he is also the only superhero i know of that had a crackhead for a sidekick. So between fighting off DTs the sidekick would help Bombast fight some of the weirdest villains ever. One of them Cal Cutta wears this purple armor with a reel to reel player on the chest. Think about that for a few minutes,a FUCKING REEL TO REEL PLAYER. What is the use in that? Sadly the Kirbyverse was basically still born,so there is only a few adventures of Bombast and his loyal crackhead sidekick.
In a fight, throwing a big rock super fast > more useful than speaking Japanese