Friday, June 12, 2009

A look back at 1980's/1990's sitcoms part 1 Home Improvement

I was never really a big Home Improvement fan. For the 0 of you how have never seen the show It was about Tim Taylor and his family. Tim hosted a program called Tool Time but he was apparently so horrible at his job that he is almost killed on every episode of Tool Time. Tim also made strange growling noises when talking about man stuff like tools and sports and sometimes he would also make a confused puppy sound when he was sad or something.It is clear that Tim was a ticking timebomb who's recklessness as a TV handyman could one day get many people killed(he also needed to see a doctor about his grunting sounds) yet nobody tried to stop him.

The only way Tim could solve a problem in his life was talking to his neighbor Wilson who was the smartest man on the show. However Wilson never left his backyard and never liked to show his full face so it is clear he has issues also.Still Wilson should of been the star of the show after Tim blows up his whole family by mistake around episode 4.

The show was based on Tim Allen's comedy act that was basically like "Hey you know what Men hate? Opera! what is going on I don't understand it! But you know what men like? Football! (he then makes strange grunting sounds). Also in the late 70's Tim Allen used to sell cocaine and that makes me not a chicken but him a turkey. But being a Turkey has not stopped Tim Allen from having sitcom fame.

He also ratted out his fellow dealers to the fed's to get a light sentence after he was arrested. In my mind this makes me think of the lost potential of bringing that storyline on the show and having it turn out that Wilson is the father or brother of a dealer that Time Taylor ratted out to the fed's and he is waiting for his revenge.