Saturday, May 30, 2009

The history of Mac Tonight

In the 80's Macdonald's started to be open late at night and I guess the ad guys wanted a hip new mascot that would make going to a Macdonald's at nite feel like going to a old jazz lounge club with french fries. So the world met Mac Tonight a puppet yes but this cat would not fit in with Ronald and crew. First of all Mac liked to drink martinis with a little olive on the top. This messed with ronald's straight edge belief's . Also Ronald just knew that Mac would knock up birdy and the clown was not having any of that.

In the mid-90's Mac Tonight disappeared (much like funny Eddie Murphy movies). He showed up again in Macdonald's ad's in places like Thailand. (much like Gary Glitter)You can just imagine that in Thailand Mac lives on a diet of martinis, pill's and whores, and telling stories in bar's about how he used to smoke up with the grimace. We wish him well.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

New York Times: Kids be hugging!

So the internets are a buzz over the New York Times ground breaking article on hugging in today's high schools.We learn about this shocking trend.

A measure of how rapidly the ritual is spreading is that some students complain of peer pressure to hug to fit in. And schools from Hillsdale,N.J., to Bend, Ore., wary in a litigious era about sexual harassment or improper touching — or citing hallway clogging and late arrivals toclass — have banned hugging or imposed a three-second rule

Wow if only Boston Public was still on they could of gone all special episode over this.

We also learn how the facebook has his dirty hands in this.

As much as hugging is a physical gesture, it has migrated online as well. Facebook applications allowing friends to send hugs have tens of thousands of fans. Katie Dea, the San Francisco eighth grader, as wellas Olivia Brown, 11, who lives in Manhattan and is the younger sister of Gabrielle, the LaGuardia High freshman, have a new sign-off for their text and e-mail messages: hug.

So Katie and Olivia have a new sign off message,see that is type of quality reporting you only get in broadsheets. Got to go now

Top ten strangest cartoons 6 to 5


Kid 'N Play the cartoon. Once again just like "Hammerman" here we have a cartoon about pop music stars but unlike MC Hammer I do not really think that Kid 'N Play was this pop culture phenomenon that just needed to be made into a cartoon. I mean the House Party movies were popular but not really with the sturday morning demo. I think later I got a Kid N play cassette with two proofs of purchase from Apple Jacks or something (hey I eat what I like!).


Attack of the Killer Tomatoes was based on a low budget movie from the late 70's and when they showed a clip of the movie on Muppet Babies (always the place to go to find indy movies) somehow the makers of the first film got funded to make another movie and later a saturday morning cartoon ( Yeah I read it on Wikipedia).

Unlike most of the cartoons on this list this was a pretty cool show. It was witty and it was about killer tomatoes.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Top ten strangest saturday morning cartoon's 8 to 7


Hammerman. Hammerman was a show where MC Hammer plays a Super-Hero guy called Hammerman. At the time MC Hammer was in his "Can't touch this" glory so by 1991 logic that means he had to have a saturday morning cartoon. Hammer explaing the plot of the show seems to take about 30 minutes itself "So Gramp opened up the bag and then he put on Matlock!.. and he ripped of the tag! so then he took the shoes out the..." The show just lasted a year and after raping about how the Adams family are cool he was soon out of style and was pretening to be gangsta talking about how he likes the bumps in the dump or the thump in the bump or something.


ProStars. This NBC saturday morning cartoon was about the secert super-hero antics about three then current sports stars. Michael Jordon the most famous NBA player of all time who still takes the time to catch up with his Space Jam buddies thanks to MCI (I belive I can call), Wayne Gretsky one of the most famous NHL players of all time (This means he is on a simlar level of fame as Buddy from Charles in Charge)and Bo Jackson..... the guy who did two sports and really braged about it a lot.Yes looking back having Bo Jackson on the show makes him look out of place, I mean he is best known for commericals , it would be like if Michael Jordon was best known for selling underwear.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

What to watch on tv from 3:35 am to 3:55 am

3:35 I see on public access some arab guy singing karoke
3:37 Wow Adult Swim is showing a reun of Family Guy! they hardly ever do that
3:41 CBS is showing Collon Powell diss Rush
3:42 okay so now a Indian women is singing in indian about Jesus. I guess the arab guy was also Indian and not arab I r sorry
3:44 The Josie and the Pussycats movie is on USA. I still do not know why they felt the need to make a movie based on a not that popular 1970's cartoon in 2001
3:46 Book TV on C-span 2 everybody loves Book Tv!!
3:48 On Nicktoons a post Jon K Ren and Stimpy ep. The kind that nobody ever talks about
3:51 Winger "she only 17" on VH1Classic. This song may or may not be about rape depending on what state you live in.
3:53" There was a Get Smart movie with Steve Carell last year? I guess so
3:55 Now on public accsess a bunch of Indian people are singing with bongos maybe singing about Jesus I do not know.

Top Ten strangest cartoons 10 to 9

In the 70’s 80’s and 90’s it seemed like just about any entertainment property could get it’s own cartoon series. If you were a movie you could be a cartoon and if you were a cartoon you could be on a cereal box etc. From this sort of cartoon/cereal military/industrial complex we got some strange cartoons. here is a list of ten of them because this is what the internet really needs.. it needs more lists.


Free Willy: This was a Saturday morning cartoon based on the movie about a kid who wanted to make a whale named willy free or something. In the cartoon the whale who is free by this point still chooses to hang out with this kid for some reason (maybe he never wanted to be free) And the music is really bad “oh willy as long as you are free willy”. Another factor in strangeness of this choice is it is called “Free Willy” yet willy is clearly free it would be like if people followed Nelson Mandela around after he was let out of jail and sung “Free Nelson Mandela”


It’s Punky Brewster. Punky Brewster was the story of a young homeless girl who liked to dress in purple and moved in with the old guy from the Police Academy movies. Kids’s loved the show so one day God (or maybe someone else) ordered that a cartoon version should be made. On the cartoon Punky had some sort of magic animal thing named glomer. A lot of “sitcom to cartoon”
shows like this had random magic animal things like they are thinking “okay so let’s have a… Threes Company cartoon …… with a turtle that can go to the future when he dances.”

Saturday, May 23, 2009

hat tip to

Michael Eisner and his Tornante Co. have tapped newcomer Mark Hammer to pen a feature adaptation of "Bazooka Joe," the comic strip that comes with Bazooka bubble gum.

The world was really waiting for this.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The intro to the final season of Happy Days

Look how dead everyone's soul looks like at this point. I know that I am supposed to want TV shows to end before they lose their "dignity" but it is fun to see a show come back year after year, and see old cast members leave and have new cast members come in that nobody remembers.

After Ron Howard and Donny Most left the show Anson Williams who played Potsie stayed on the show but without the characters two friends he really had nothing to do. For about the last four years of the show Potsie would come into a room and say something dumb and then one of the other character's would says he is dumb and then Potsie would leave broken hearted and nostalgic for another era.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Mr T cereal

Mr T cereal is most known to the world as the ceral Pee Wee Herman eats in Pee Wee's Big Adventure "I pity the fool that does not like my cereal!". The cereal was part of the massive 1980's Mr T empire that existed for some unknown reason. I remember as a small child not really being sure about what Mr T even was. He was a cartoon and yet a real person, but his actor name was also Mr.T I must of though that he had this fame because the was the toughest person in the world (this may still be true).

Look how laid back Mr T is in that ad. He just says "it's cool" and allows the commercial jingle people to sing about the greatness of his cereal.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

DC Comics was ahead of the times.

When you think Women's lib think a woman tied up and gagged, and some random attack dogs. What would Andrea Dworkin think?

Kari Ferrell post part 2 (The Secret of the Ooze)

So I read in the New York Observer That the now jailed lying pixie Kari Ferrell told another fibe at her court hearing.

"She said she was 22 years old and said she had a bachelor's degree in music from the University of Utah. (Several sources had previously told The Observer that Ms. Ferrell does not in fact have a degree. After her hearing, The Observer called the University of Utah's transcripts department, which told us that no one by the name of Kari Ferrell or Farrell had ever been enrolled.)"

What is the point of lying about having a degree in music from a place in Utah ?(insert lame Osmond joke)Does she think that thinking she has a degree in music will make the Judge think she is super cool? Or maybe this is part of a deeper, darker, evil plan that needs people to think she has that degree to get the ball rolling.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

'American Gladiators': The Movie?

Grappling TV game show American Gladiators is heading to the big screen, in
a new live action movie.

The show, in which members of the public take on muscle-bound gladiators in
a series of events, debuted in the U.S. in 1988 and has since appeared in
more than 90 countries.

Creator Johnny Ferraro, who claims he first conceived the idea as a movie,
is now fulfilling his ambition with the help of 300 producer Scott Mesnick.

Mesnick tells Daily Variety, "I look forward to creating a compelling story
that launches a whole new set of characters."

American Gladiators is like a game show. This would be like making a movie based on the Price is Right or Wheel of Fortune.

Friday, May 8, 2009

What is on TV when it is 4 AM and you can not sleep

4:18 Reno 911 is on channel 11 at 4 am? what a great timeslot!
4:20 (lol Weed) Hey Roseanne is on will those two crazy kid's Jackie and Fred work it out? Spoiler no!
4:23 NBA Playoffs Lakers vs The Rockets game 3. I'm guessing this is taped because NBA games rarely take place at 4:24 AM
4:25 VH1 top 20 video countdown? VH1 is showing music now? I though Vh1 was about reality shows and spinoffs of said shows and spinoffs of said shows that are spinoffs. Also who the hell is Carolina Liar?
4:28 Sesame Street on PBSkids. Becuase sometimes when it is 4:28 you just want to watch Sesame Street. Fuck I hate that bear dude Telly should fuck him up
4:31 VH1classic Whitesnake

4:33 HBOW Bad Boys You know out of the two stars in this movie I think Will Smith has made better carrier choices.

Me and the "Hipster Grifter"

I want to spend a minute or so wasting time giving the world yet another blog post about Kari Ferrel aka the "hipster grifter". The first day or so after the story about her in the New York Observer came out
and she become the biggest internet sensation since that video of the drugged up 7 year old on youtube, I noticed that she was returning Emails from random people. Just out of fun I wrote her something like "Hey I support u in u struggles" or something lame like that and two hours the little lying pixie wrote back


Thank you for your kind words. I've got to say, much to my surprise, every email that I have received has been in the same vein as yours.

I have no idea why people are "idolizing" me, because they have absolutely no reason to do so. My actions were deplorable, and I have been working for several months to rectify them.

Regardless, I really appreciate your support. Do you have any advice for me? Does it involve a tropical resort and mass quantities of chocolate?

Would you mind telling me why you
you are backing me? I don't believe that I am as terrible of a person as they make me sound, but when people read things of that nature they generally don't support the criminal.

Thank you, again.


P.S.- Though I highly doubt it, if a book deal comes out of this--I will make sure to thank you."

Well it seems that after this she went back to pretending to have cancer and later was sold out to the cops by a some dude in a band that seemed to do it for ironic reasons but I hope just for a minute that my words helped that sweet sociopath find peace. That is when she is in a Utah jail acting like Ryan o'Reilly from Oz.